I just got back from my last nutrition class (6/6) and found out that I lost NINETEEN FREAKING POUNDS!!!!!!!
I am so elated! I honestly cannot fully believe it. I don't feel 19 pounds lighter and I certainly don't look any lighter, but hell - I'll take it! I lost almost 20 pounds in eight days. Doesn't seem healthy; but neither is being more than 400 pounds overweight, amiright?! This means that as long as I maintain this loss I have lost more than enough for my surgeon to go through with the surgery. Actually, this means that I am only a pound away from reaching my personal goal of 20 before my appointment on March 18th.
So, what have I been doing? Not exercising; not really. I move my body around when I am conscious of the amount of time I have been just sitting or laying around. I also take my dogs on (very) brief walks several times a day. Other than that? Nothing yet. On the other hand I have been sticking pretty well to my 1500 calorie a day goal. I have not done well on the 2 liquid meals thing, however. I find that I need a small nibble during the day. I have kept it healthy and under calorie count, so I think I am good. For example, today I had about a dozen baby carrots and a couple of tablespoons of hummus. I still drank both of my protein shakes, as well. I am still way under calorie goal.
I'm not sure that there is too much more to say today! I am going to keep pushing with the 1500 calorie a day diet until March 9th, when I begin the official pre-op diet. At that point I will have to be strict with my liquids. My goal is to check back in on here after my EGD on 2/25.
Heck yes!!!!!